Capturing Data on Antimicrobial Resistance Patterns and Trends in Use in Regions of Asia (CAPTURA) - phase 2
Scoping activities
Request For Proposal published
Proposals under review
Supporting the collection and analysis of historical AMR data for policymaking across South and South East Asia
This grant is aims to expand the volume of historical and current data on AMR and antimicrobial usage. In many low and middle income countries, institutions (academic, research, medical, etc) have been collecting AMR data for many years but have not shared this information publicly. By partnering alongside these institutions to collect and digitise exiting data, grantees will help establish an AMR baseline across Fleming Fund priority countries.
International Vaccine Institute (IVI)
Brigham and Women's Hospital, University of Melbourne, National Centre for Antimicrobial Stewardship, Heidelberg Institute for Global Health, Heidelberg Uni, SwipeRx
Oct 2023 - Dec 2025
Bangladesh, Bhutan, Indonesia, Laos, Nepal, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Sri Lanka, Vietnam
- Support data quality, collection, standardisation and dissemination networks of AMR patterns and trends in Asia.
- Support the establishment of data sharing networks at the regional level.
- Supports countries in establishing systems for monitoring of data quality.
Other grants
Regional Grant › Indonesia | Bhutan | Bangladesh | Sri Lanka | Nepal
From Regional Grant › Indonesia | Bhutan | Bangladesh | Sri Lanka | Nepal, Collection of Historical AMR Data - phase 1 , Status: Complete
Regional Grant › Papua New Guinea | Timor-Leste | Pakistan | Laos | Vietnam | Myanmar