Regional Antimicrobial Resistance Data Analysis for Advocacy, Response and policy (RADAAR) - phase 2
Scoping activities
Request For Proposal published
Proposals under review
Support data use in policy at the country and regional level.
This grant helps improve data sharing for global AMR planning and advocacy. Policymakers need robust evidence and data to make good recommendations, and currently, many countries still limit data sharing. Improving data sharing at the regional level and ensuring policymakers are aware of the evidence and recommendations that already exist regarding AMR. Working with regional bodies to identify barriers to data sharing and policy analysis and advocate for better data use and policy action. The goal of the grant it to get key data and evidence into the hands of decision makers, so that they can develop and implement policies to fight AMR.
International Vaccine Institute (IVI)
World Health Organization (WHO) Evidence-Informed Policy Network (EVIP-Net), The Brigham and Women’s Hospital (BWH), Action on Antibiotic Resistance - ReACT Africa, and OW DataLEADS
Dec 2023 - Dec 2025
Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, Cameroon, Eswatini, Ghana, Indonesia, Kenya, Laos, Malawi, Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, Timor Leste, Uganda, Vietnam,Zambia, Zimbabwe
- Support data use at the policy level at country and regional level.
- Develop capacity to leverage evidence in policy development
Other grants
Regional Grant › Bangladesh | Malawi | Nigeria | Senegal | Sierra Leone | Bhutan | Timor-Leste | Tanzania | Kenya | Uganda | Vietnam | Zambia | Zimbabwe | Eswatini | Myanmar | Papua New Guinea | Indonesia | Laos | Sri Lanka | Nepal | Pakistan
From Regional Grant › Bangladesh | Malawi | Nigeria | Senegal | Sierra Leone | Bhutan | Timor-Leste | Tanzania | Kenya | Uganda | Vietnam | Zambia | Zimbabwe | Eswatini | Myanmar | Papua New Guinea | Indonesia | Laos | Sri Lanka | Nepal | Pakistan, Planning, Policy & Advocacy - phase 1 , Status: Complete
Fellowship › Timor-Leste