Since 2019, Fleming Fund grantee, International Vaccine Institute (IVI), has led the CAPTURA consortium to expand the volume of historical data for antimicrobial resistance (AMR), consumption (AMC), and use (AMU) across 12 countries in South and Southeast Asia.
Antimicrobial Resistance lessons learned workshop in Cameroon
The Fleming Fund supported the recent antimicrobial resistance (AMR) lessons learning workshop in Douala, Cameroon.
The AMR lessons learning workshop provided an opportunity for AMR stakeholders, across the human health, animal health and agricultural sectors, to come together and share learnings from activity being carried out across the African Region to date. Fleming fund supported this recent lessons learning workshop organized by WHO-AFRO in Douala, Cameroon.
20 countries were represented in the workshop and presented their insights and experiences from developing and implementing their National Action Plans, to share common solutions that will reduce AMR. The aims of this event were: to learn lessons from partner organisations; to support countries to develop more robust multisectoral systems; and to build country capacity for countries to implement their National Action Plans on AMR.
Those in attendance reflected that the workshop supported rich and fruitful discussions with practical examples and case studies being shared on how to strengthen governance and multisectoral coordination. The group also discussed how to leverage resources from across other sectors and programmes to support AMR activity, though it was acknowledged that there is a strong need for AMR to be appropriately financed within the existing national budget.
The workshop highlighted the need for greater regional coordination from partners such as the World Health Organization, the Food and Agriculture Organization and the World Organisation for Animal Health, with other country and global partners to avoid duplication of effort. Additionally, the member states were able to prioritise their activities, providing a roadmap of where they will be focusing over the next 12 months.
The Fleming Fund supported this workshop to improve regional coordination and provide a platform for partners and countries to identify and disseminate best practice.
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