Fleming Fund Online AMR Course: new modules!

The Fleming Fund and the Open University have released new modules on the Tackling Antimicrobial Resistance course, meaning 23 modules are now available. The course is completely free and available world-wide, regardless of whether participants are affiliated with the Fleming Fund.

Each module should take up to 6 hours to complete, but students can work through them at their own pace. Participants can also choose to complete a study pathway that suggests enrollment in a specific series of modules according to a student's profession or current role. Click the "view PDF" button for more information around pathways.

At the end of each module (apart from the first one) participants will be awarded a digital badge. Digital badges are like a certificate: they demonstrate that a skill has been gained and are evidence of a student's work and achievement on the module. You can download them and share them on your social media profiles on Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn. The following modules have been released by the Open University:

Further modules will be released in the coming months. To find out more about the release dates, click on the "View PDF" button that appears on the screen.

The full document is available here

View pdf (362.03 KB)

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