SADC Joint Technical Committee Meeting on AMR

Southern African Development Community (SADC) makes a bold move to fight antimicrobial resistance (AMR) by gathering countries to develop a One Health AMR strategy by end of year.

In July this year, Johannesburg hosted a SADC joint technical committee meeting on AMR. The community has been developing an AMR strategy that uses a One Health approach. This strategy was discussed by health sector professionals, academics and representatives from civic society at the two day meeting.

The strategy seeks to find links and opportunities for collaboration between the human, animal, crop and environmental health sectors. This is to be implemented collectively by the 15 member states of the SADC. Following the success of the meeting, the strategy is due to finalised and endorsed by the end of the year.

The Fleming Fund has supported the South Africa regions development and implementation of projects that tackle AMR through our Global Grants.

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