Uganda's first grant scales up surveillance

After 23 months of Fleming Fund support, the first country grant in Uganda comes to an end this month. The grant has helped develop an AMR governance structure, improved collaboration between animal and human health stakeholders and helped establish a system of collecting, analysing and disseminating AMR data.

Project Coordinator for Fleming Fund grantee Infectious Disease Institute (IDI), Francis Kakooza anticipates several key achievements, including:

Francis also says that support from the Fleming Fund has helped Uganda’s national response to COVID-19. “People had already been trained to collected swabs and many of the COVID workers came from the microbiology laboratory; these staff were integral to the initial phase of the response.”

“In addition, the laboratories were also already equipped with face shields, standard operating procedures, laboratory workflow guidance and sample collection protocols. Biosafety and biosecurity guidelines were also in place, which helped. Even members of the national AMR committees, were able to apply their experience with AMR governance as members of the COVID-19 taskforce,” said Francis.

A second round of funding is currently being agreed with partners in Uganda and will build upon the achievements of IDI over the past two years. Support will continue to focus on strengthening AMR surveillance systems, AMR governance and data use and improving awareness among doctors and veterinarians around appropriate use of antibiotics.

This funding will also link AMR data to a major health database that is used for policy discussions within the health sector. And it will support dairy sampling to contribute to the National Development Plan to enhance agriculture exports. Together, all these steps will strengthen sustainable AMR surveillance across Uganda.

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