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Opportunity to Join the Fleming Fund Technical Advisory Group

Expert Advisor Position – UK Fleming Fund Technical Advisory Group (Health Systems Strengthening, Clinical Microbiology, and Pharmacy Experts)

The Fleming Fund

The Fleming Fund is a UK aid programme supporting up to 25 countries across Africa and Asia to tackle antimicrobial resistance (AMR). Managed by the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC), the fund invests in strengthening surveillance systems through a portfolio of country and regional grants, global projects and fellowship schemes.

The UK Government established the Fleming Fund programme in 2015 in response to the UK AMR Review and the WHO Global Action Plan on AMR, which called for funding to improve AMR surveillance, general awareness and understanding of AMR and responsible use of antimicrobials. The programme focuses on low- and middle-income (LMIC) countries because they are expected to bear the heaviest consequences of the spread of AMR. The UK AMR Review estimated that by 2050, up to 90% of all deaths related to AMR will occur in Africa and Asia. You can find out more about the Fleming Fund on our website here:

The Technical Advisory Group (TAG)

The Fleming Fund Technical Advisory Group plays a key role in shaping the programme by providing independent technical advice and expertise to support programmatic decisions and shape the strategic direction of the fund.

The TAG meets on a quarterly basis to receive updates, discuss key topics, and provide strategic and technical advice and feedback across the Fleming Fund programme. Membership is on a voluntary basis and currently consists of ten experts (you can read about it here in the field of AMR from a One Health context. The TAG has a Chair and Deputy-Chair, currently Professor Clare Chandler and Dr Evelyn Wesangula.

Current Membership Availability

The Fleming Fund TAG is looking for three experts to join the existing membership on a voluntary basis, this includes:

In addition to the candidate criteria set below, applications are particularly welcome from those with relevant experience in regions where the Fleming Fund is most active. You can find out more about our regions and countries here:

Core Criteria for Membership

All successful candidates must, in addition to the role specific criteria, have:

Role Criteria: Health Systems Strengthening Expert

The successful candidate will have:


Role Criteria: Clinical Microbiology Expert

Role Criteria: Pharmacy expert

Submitting your expression of interest

To register your interest in being considered for the Fleming Fund Technical Advisory Group, please submit the following documents by 24:00 (midnight) UK Time on 26 April 2024 to using the subject line “Expression of interest for the Fleming Fund Technical Advisory Group ".

Fleming Fund will review expressions of interest received by the above deadline. Due to an expected high volume of interest, only selected individuals will be informed.

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